Chapter overview of judges
Chapter Summary of Judges
Key Thought: Failure
Number of Chapters: 21
Key Verse: Jdg 21:25
Christ seen as: Messenger of Jehovah
Writer of the Book: Samuel
Date: About 1410 B. C
Conclusion of the Book: Man is prone to wander from God. God's grace ever pursues and seeks to restore the backslider.
Contents: The incomplete victories of Judah, Benjamin and Manasseh.
Characters: God, Judah, Simeon, Adoni-bezek, Caleb, Achsah, Othniel.
Conclusion: God appoints service according to the strength He has given (Jdg 1:2) but distrust of His power and promise, lose for us our advantages and run us into a thousand troubles.
KeyWord: Partial victory, (Jdg 2:19, 21, 27, 29, 30, 31, 33).
Strong Verses: Jdg 2:2, 7.
Striking Facts: Jdg 2:2. Judah was the tribe out of which the Saviour sprang. Christ, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, engaged the powers of darkness and in Him we are more than conquerors.
Contents: Review of Israelitish invasion of Canaan up to Joshua's death. Results of incomplete obedience. Judges instituted.
Characters: God, angel of Jehovah (Jesus) Joshua.
Conclusion: God never designed defeat for His own; let them be faithful to Him and they will find Him unchangeably constant to them. His covenants never break except on our side.
Key Word: Sold, Jdg 2:14.
Strong Verses: Jdg 2:18, 20, 21.
Striking Facts: The Angel of Jehovah, Jdg 2:1, was none other than Christ Himself. He seemed to come up from Gilgal, the place where their covenant had been renewed, of which they would be reminded. The remembrance of what we have received and heard from God, prepares us for special messages from Christ to hold fast. (Rev. 3:2, 3).
Contents: Apostasies of Israel. Deliverances through Othniel, Ehud and Shamgar.
Characters: God, Othniel, Chushan-rishathian, Eglou, Ehud, Shamgar.
Conclusion: Man's memory is treacherous in that it easily forgets God and he must be repeatedly tested that God might be kept in sight. It often takes affliction to make him cry to God with importunity, when before
he would scarcely think of Jehovah. A deliverer is always ready to answer the prayer of a contrite heart.
Key Word: Proved (tested), Jdg 3:1, 4.
Strong Verses: Jdg 3:9,15.
Striking Facts: Jdg 3:1, 2. War is sometimes God's will. When a country is exceedingly rich and fruitful, abounding with dainties of all sorts, if the people are not sometimes brought to know hardship, they are in danger of sinking into the utmost degree of luxury and effeminacy.
Contents: Victories of Deborah and Barak.
Characters: God, Jabin, Deborah, Barak, Sisera, Jael.
Conclusion: Those who slight God in their prosperity, will find themselves under a necessity of crying mightily to Him when they are in trouble. He is faithful in spite of our unfaithfulness, and when we sincerely turn to Him, He will give the victory.
Key Word: Prevailed, Jdg 4:24.
Strong Verses: Jdg 4:14.
Striking Facts: It is a sure mark of apostasy in a nation when a woman is found in the place of leadership.
Contents: Song of Deborah and Barak.
Characters: God, Deborah, Barak, Jael, Sisera, Shamgar.
Conclusion: When we have received mercy from God, we should be speedy in our returns of praise while the impressions of the mercy are fresh. Song is a good expedient for perpetuating the memory of God's special favors.
Key Word: Song of praise, Jdg 5:2, 12.
Strong Verses: Jdg 5:31.
Striking Facts: Jdg 5:20. "Stars fought" the elements were against Sisera. Those to whom God is an enemy because of rejection of His Son and His Gospel are at war with the whole creation.
Contents: More apostasy in Israel. Call of Gideon.
Characters: God, Angel of Jehovah (Jesus), Holy Spirit, Gideon, prophet, Joash.
Conclusion: In times of apostasy, God often calls His mightiest servants from places of obscurity, and inspiring them with the assurance of the divine presence, He works through them great deliverances for His people.
Key Word: Valour, Jdg 6:12, (in God's hands).
Strong Verses: Jdg 6:34.
Striking Facts: Jdg 6:24. Jehovah-shalom (God our peace). See Eph. 6:15. The peace of God, found alone in Christ who "is our peace," is the only preparation for intense conflict. In the midst of strife, one who has Christ for his peace, may be possessed of perfect tranquility within. If the Christian is called to battle, let him set up the altar of Jehovah-Shalom.
Contents: Gideon's three hundred and the victory over Midian and Amalek.
Characters: God, Gideon, Phurah, Oreb, Zeeb.
Conclusion: God wants prepared men to fight God's battles with God's weapons in God's way. A Christian's unfitness for the battle is often seen in the unconscious and trifling acts of his life, which betray his utter lack of faith, (Jdg 7:5).
Key Word: Victory, Jdg 7:15.
Strong Verses: Jdg 7:2, 7.
Striking Facts: Empty pitchers (Jdg 7:16) type of earthly body, emptied of self (2 Cor. 4:7) but filled with God's Word, the lamp (Psa. 119:105). The pitcher was not to be spared in the advance, and the lamp was to be held forth (Jdg 7:20 Phil. 2:16). With the trumpet, the tidings of victory were sounded (Mark 16:15).
Contents: Jealousy of Ephriam. Events to the death of Gideon. Apostasy.
Characters: God, Gideon, Zebah, Zalmunna, Abimelech, Jerubbaal, Jether.
Conclusion: Many are led into false ways by one false step of a good man (Jdg 8:27). False worship soon makes way for false deities.
KeyWord: Snare, Jdg 8:27 (whoring, Jdg 8:27,33).
Strong Verses: Jdg 8:23, 34.
Striking Facts: Jdg 8:22. The Lord Jesus has delivered us out of the hands of our dangerous spiritual enemies, and it is fitting that He should rule over us. See Luke 1:24, 25.
Contents: Conspiracy of Abimelech.
Characters: God, Abimelech, Jerubbaal, Jocham, Gaal, Zebul.
Conclusion: Evil pursues sinners and sometimes overtakes them when they are apparently triumphant. The mighty things of the world may be confounded
by the weakest, if God so wills.
Key Word: Vengeance, Jdg 9:24, 56.
Strong Verses: Jdg 9:56.
Contents: Further apostasy; servitude to Philistines and Amorites.
Characters: God, Tola, Jair.
Conclusion: The pleasures of sense, the gods of this world, cannot be our satisfaction (Jdg 10:14). True happiness and safety are only in God, to whom a true penitent will refer himself for correction as God may see fit, owning that his sin is highly malignant in its deserts (Jdg 10:10).
Key Word: Vexed, oppressed, Jdg 10:8.
Strong Verses: Jdg 10:10, 14, 16.
Contents: Jeptha's awful vow and the victory over the Ammorites.
Characters: God, Holy Spirit, Jeptha, his daughter.
Conclusion: A Christian in the hands of the Spirit is assured of success in the undertaking to which God has called him. Jdg 11:29.
Key Word: Subdued (enemy), Jdg 11:33.
Strong Verses: Jdg 11:35, 36.
Striking Facts: Jdg 11:30. One should be cautious and well advised in the making of vows, lest by indulging a present emotion even of pious zeal, they involve themselves in a great mistake. Jeptha's sacrifice is a figure of the great sacrifice of Christ.The daughter was a chaste sacrifice, devoted to death by the father and so made a curse. She submitted after a period of agony, to her father's will.
Contents: Second jealousy of Ephriam.
Characters: God, Jeptha, Ibzan, Elon, Abdon.
Conclusion: Proud men think all the honors wasted that they themselves did not win. Envy brings serious contentions in the ranks of those who should be as one to fight God's battles. He who rolls the stone of reproach unjustly upon another, let him expect that it will justly return upon himself.
Key Word: Envy, Jdg 12:1.
Strong Verses: Jdg 12:3.
Contents: Parents of Samson and Samson's birth.
Characters: God, Angel (Jesus), Holy Spirit, Manoah.
Conclusion: A promise is given to try our faith and a precept to try our obedience for God requires both faith and obedience from those on whom He would bestow special favors. (It is desirable that our children be
devoted to God even before their birth.)
Key Word: Conceive, Jdg 13:3, 24.
Strong Verses: Jdg 13:18, 23.
Striking Facts: Jdg 13:18. "Secret" is lit. "Wonderful," the name applied to Christ in Isa. 9:6. Jdg 13:22declares they were face to face with God who is I manifested only in His Son. As the flame ascended from the altar He ascended. We owe the acceptance of all our praises and prayers to His mediation. It is Christ in our hearts by faith that makes our offering a sweet smelling savour.
(God often overrules our mistakes to take occasion against the enemies of His Truth).
Key Word: Wife, Jdg 14:2.
Strong Verses : Jdg 14:6,19.
Striking Facts: When God, by His providences, brings good out of evil to the followers of Christ when that which has threatened their ruin turns to their advantage and the wrath of men turns to His praise then comes meat out of the eater and sweetness out of the strong.
Contents: Samson takes vengeance on the Philistines.
Characters: God, Holy Spirit, Samson, his family and friends.
Conclusion: There is nothing too hard or too much for him to do on whom the Holy Spirit comes in power, even though there are only the most contemptible instruments at hand with which to work (foxes, jawbone).
Key Word: Avenged, Jdg 15:7.
Strong Verses: Jdg 15:16, 18.
Striking Facts: In the bursting of Samson's bands, we find an illustration of the way the Lord Jesus was loosed from the cords of death and came forth from the tomb and grave clothes. Thus, He triumphed over the powers of darkness that shouted against Him.
Contents: Samson and Delilah; his fatal error and his death.
Characters: God, Holy Spirit, Samson, Delilah.
Conclusion: Beware of Satan who ruins men by rocking them to sleep, nattering them into a good opinion of their own safety, then robbing them of their strength and honor, leading them captive at his will. (God often leaves men to do foolish things to punish them for indulging in the lusts of uncleanness.)
Key Word: Strength, Jdg 16:6, (departed, Jdg 16:20).
Strong Verses: Jdg 16:20, 28.
Striking Facts: Samson's strength was not in his hair but in his Nazarite consecration, of which his long hair was but a badge. By losing the badge, he forfeited the strength. What was real in Samson was his great
faith in times of awful apostasy and God honored this faith. Heb. 11:32.
Contents: Micah's worship in self will.
Characters: Micah, his mother, a Levite.
Conclusion: The love of money makes much mischief; destroys the duty and comfort of every relation and frequently leads to the setting up of a false worship.
Key Word: Graven image, Jdg 17:3.
Strong Verses: Jdg 17:6.
Striking Facts: Jdg 17:13. Apostates who please themselves with their own delusions infer, if providence brings anything to their hands that helps them in their way, that God is pleased with them. With all false worship there is usually an exaltation of false priesthood, usurping the place of Christ.
Contents: The Danite invasion. Civil and religious confusion.
Characters: Micah, Jonathan, priests.
Conclusion: Many seek to justify themselves in their idolatrous impiety by the prosperity that seemingly attends them, not knowing that many are brought to destruction by their false security and that departing from the revealed will of God concerning worship is a dangerous move for a people to make.
Key Word: Seeking inheritance, Jdg 18:1.
Strong Verses: Jdg 18:9, 10.
Striking Facts: Jdg 18:24. An excellent definition of idolatry. Anything put in place of God, which man is concerned about as if life and comfort, hope and happiness were bound up in it, is an idol.
Contents: The Levite and his concubine. Wickedness of Gibeonites.
Characters: Levite, concubine, her father.
Conclusion: Because men like not to retain God in their knowledge, God gives them up to vile affection through which they dishonor themselves and turn His glory into shame. Rom. 1:24, 28.
Key Word: Abused, Jdg 19:25.
Strong Verses: Jdg 19:30.
Striking Facts: In the miserable end of this woman, we see the hand of God punishing her for her uncleanness. Jdg 19:2.
Contents: Civil war in which the Benjamites are punished.
Characters: God, a Levite, Phinehas.
Conclusion: We cannot expect the presence of God with us in our enterprises unless we seek it by humbling ourselves before Him. (Jdg 20:26). He is not under obligation to prosper us. Men are often so confident that God owes them His favor because they think their cause a good one, that they think it needless to humble themselves before God in penitence.
KeyWord: Vengeance, Jdg 20:9, 28.
Strong Verses: Jdg 20:11, 18, 26.
Contents: Mourning for the lost tribe of Benjamin.
Characters : God .
Conclusion: There may be overdoing in well doing. Great care must be taken in the government of our zeal, for even necessary justice must be rendered with compassion. Many a war is ill-ended which was well begun. (Jdg 21:2, 6, 13).
Key Word: Depleted tribe, Jdg 21:3, 6.
Strong Verses: Jdg 21:2, 13.
Striking Facts: Jdg 21:25. Men should learn to be thankful for magistrates, both
supreme and subordinate for they are ministers for God unto us for good.
Any government is better than no government or anarchy.
Summarized Bible
complete summary of the Old Testament
Keith L. Brooks
Published 1919
Key Thought: Failure
Number of Chapters: 21
Key Verse: Jdg 21:25
Christ seen as: Messenger of Jehovah
Writer of the Book: Samuel
Date: About 1410 B. C
Conclusion of the Book: Man is prone to wander from God. God's grace ever pursues and seeks to restore the backslider.
Contents: The incomplete victories of Judah, Benjamin and Manasseh.
Characters: God, Judah, Simeon, Adoni-bezek, Caleb, Achsah, Othniel.
Conclusion: God appoints service according to the strength He has given (Jdg 1:2) but distrust of His power and promise, lose for us our advantages and run us into a thousand troubles.
KeyWord: Partial victory, (Jdg 2:19, 21, 27, 29, 30, 31, 33).
Strong Verses: Jdg 2:2, 7.
Striking Facts: Jdg 2:2. Judah was the tribe out of which the Saviour sprang. Christ, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, engaged the powers of darkness and in Him we are more than conquerors.
Contents: Review of Israelitish invasion of Canaan up to Joshua's death. Results of incomplete obedience. Judges instituted.
Characters: God, angel of Jehovah (Jesus) Joshua.
Conclusion: God never designed defeat for His own; let them be faithful to Him and they will find Him unchangeably constant to them. His covenants never break except on our side.
Key Word: Sold, Jdg 2:14.
Strong Verses: Jdg 2:18, 20, 21.
Striking Facts: The Angel of Jehovah, Jdg 2:1, was none other than Christ Himself. He seemed to come up from Gilgal, the place where their covenant had been renewed, of which they would be reminded. The remembrance of what we have received and heard from God, prepares us for special messages from Christ to hold fast. (Rev. 3:2, 3).
Contents: Apostasies of Israel. Deliverances through Othniel, Ehud and Shamgar.
Characters: God, Othniel, Chushan-rishathian, Eglou, Ehud, Shamgar.
Conclusion: Man's memory is treacherous in that it easily forgets God and he must be repeatedly tested that God might be kept in sight. It often takes affliction to make him cry to God with importunity, when before
he would scarcely think of Jehovah. A deliverer is always ready to answer the prayer of a contrite heart.
Key Word: Proved (tested), Jdg 3:1, 4.
Strong Verses: Jdg 3:9,15.
Striking Facts: Jdg 3:1, 2. War is sometimes God's will. When a country is exceedingly rich and fruitful, abounding with dainties of all sorts, if the people are not sometimes brought to know hardship, they are in danger of sinking into the utmost degree of luxury and effeminacy.
Contents: Victories of Deborah and Barak.
Characters: God, Jabin, Deborah, Barak, Sisera, Jael.
Conclusion: Those who slight God in their prosperity, will find themselves under a necessity of crying mightily to Him when they are in trouble. He is faithful in spite of our unfaithfulness, and when we sincerely turn to Him, He will give the victory.
Key Word: Prevailed, Jdg 4:24.
Strong Verses: Jdg 4:14.
Striking Facts: It is a sure mark of apostasy in a nation when a woman is found in the place of leadership.
Contents: Song of Deborah and Barak.
Characters: God, Deborah, Barak, Jael, Sisera, Shamgar.
Conclusion: When we have received mercy from God, we should be speedy in our returns of praise while the impressions of the mercy are fresh. Song is a good expedient for perpetuating the memory of God's special favors.
Key Word: Song of praise, Jdg 5:2, 12.
Strong Verses: Jdg 5:31.
Striking Facts: Jdg 5:20. "Stars fought" the elements were against Sisera. Those to whom God is an enemy because of rejection of His Son and His Gospel are at war with the whole creation.
Contents: More apostasy in Israel. Call of Gideon.
Characters: God, Angel of Jehovah (Jesus), Holy Spirit, Gideon, prophet, Joash.
Conclusion: In times of apostasy, God often calls His mightiest servants from places of obscurity, and inspiring them with the assurance of the divine presence, He works through them great deliverances for His people.
Key Word: Valour, Jdg 6:12, (in God's hands).
Strong Verses: Jdg 6:34.
Striking Facts: Jdg 6:24. Jehovah-shalom (God our peace). See Eph. 6:15. The peace of God, found alone in Christ who "is our peace," is the only preparation for intense conflict. In the midst of strife, one who has Christ for his peace, may be possessed of perfect tranquility within. If the Christian is called to battle, let him set up the altar of Jehovah-Shalom.
Contents: Gideon's three hundred and the victory over Midian and Amalek.
Characters: God, Gideon, Phurah, Oreb, Zeeb.
Conclusion: God wants prepared men to fight God's battles with God's weapons in God's way. A Christian's unfitness for the battle is often seen in the unconscious and trifling acts of his life, which betray his utter lack of faith, (Jdg 7:5).
Key Word: Victory, Jdg 7:15.
Strong Verses: Jdg 7:2, 7.
Striking Facts: Empty pitchers (Jdg 7:16) type of earthly body, emptied of self (2 Cor. 4:7) but filled with God's Word, the lamp (Psa. 119:105). The pitcher was not to be spared in the advance, and the lamp was to be held forth (Jdg 7:20 Phil. 2:16). With the trumpet, the tidings of victory were sounded (Mark 16:15).
Contents: Jealousy of Ephriam. Events to the death of Gideon. Apostasy.
Characters: God, Gideon, Zebah, Zalmunna, Abimelech, Jerubbaal, Jether.
Conclusion: Many are led into false ways by one false step of a good man (Jdg 8:27). False worship soon makes way for false deities.
KeyWord: Snare, Jdg 8:27 (whoring, Jdg 8:27,33).
Strong Verses: Jdg 8:23, 34.
Striking Facts: Jdg 8:22. The Lord Jesus has delivered us out of the hands of our dangerous spiritual enemies, and it is fitting that He should rule over us. See Luke 1:24, 25.
Contents: Conspiracy of Abimelech.
Characters: God, Abimelech, Jerubbaal, Jocham, Gaal, Zebul.
Conclusion: Evil pursues sinners and sometimes overtakes them when they are apparently triumphant. The mighty things of the world may be confounded
by the weakest, if God so wills.
Key Word: Vengeance, Jdg 9:24, 56.
Strong Verses: Jdg 9:56.
Contents: Further apostasy; servitude to Philistines and Amorites.
Characters: God, Tola, Jair.
Conclusion: The pleasures of sense, the gods of this world, cannot be our satisfaction (Jdg 10:14). True happiness and safety are only in God, to whom a true penitent will refer himself for correction as God may see fit, owning that his sin is highly malignant in its deserts (Jdg 10:10).
Key Word: Vexed, oppressed, Jdg 10:8.
Strong Verses: Jdg 10:10, 14, 16.
Contents: Jeptha's awful vow and the victory over the Ammorites.
Characters: God, Holy Spirit, Jeptha, his daughter.
Conclusion: A Christian in the hands of the Spirit is assured of success in the undertaking to which God has called him. Jdg 11:29.
Key Word: Subdued (enemy), Jdg 11:33.
Strong Verses: Jdg 11:35, 36.
Striking Facts: Jdg 11:30. One should be cautious and well advised in the making of vows, lest by indulging a present emotion even of pious zeal, they involve themselves in a great mistake. Jeptha's sacrifice is a figure of the great sacrifice of Christ.The daughter was a chaste sacrifice, devoted to death by the father and so made a curse. She submitted after a period of agony, to her father's will.
Contents: Second jealousy of Ephriam.
Characters: God, Jeptha, Ibzan, Elon, Abdon.
Conclusion: Proud men think all the honors wasted that they themselves did not win. Envy brings serious contentions in the ranks of those who should be as one to fight God's battles. He who rolls the stone of reproach unjustly upon another, let him expect that it will justly return upon himself.
Key Word: Envy, Jdg 12:1.
Strong Verses: Jdg 12:3.
Contents: Parents of Samson and Samson's birth.
Characters: God, Angel (Jesus), Holy Spirit, Manoah.
Conclusion: A promise is given to try our faith and a precept to try our obedience for God requires both faith and obedience from those on whom He would bestow special favors. (It is desirable that our children be
devoted to God even before their birth.)
Key Word: Conceive, Jdg 13:3, 24.
Strong Verses: Jdg 13:18, 23.
Striking Facts: Jdg 13:18. "Secret" is lit. "Wonderful," the name applied to Christ in Isa. 9:6. Jdg 13:22declares they were face to face with God who is I manifested only in His Son. As the flame ascended from the altar He ascended. We owe the acceptance of all our praises and prayers to His mediation. It is Christ in our hearts by faith that makes our offering a sweet smelling savour.
(God often overrules our mistakes to take occasion against the enemies of His Truth).
Key Word: Wife, Jdg 14:2.
Strong Verses : Jdg 14:6,19.
Striking Facts: When God, by His providences, brings good out of evil to the followers of Christ when that which has threatened their ruin turns to their advantage and the wrath of men turns to His praise then comes meat out of the eater and sweetness out of the strong.
Contents: Samson takes vengeance on the Philistines.
Characters: God, Holy Spirit, Samson, his family and friends.
Conclusion: There is nothing too hard or too much for him to do on whom the Holy Spirit comes in power, even though there are only the most contemptible instruments at hand with which to work (foxes, jawbone).
Key Word: Avenged, Jdg 15:7.
Strong Verses: Jdg 15:16, 18.
Striking Facts: In the bursting of Samson's bands, we find an illustration of the way the Lord Jesus was loosed from the cords of death and came forth from the tomb and grave clothes. Thus, He triumphed over the powers of darkness that shouted against Him.
Contents: Samson and Delilah; his fatal error and his death.
Characters: God, Holy Spirit, Samson, Delilah.
Conclusion: Beware of Satan who ruins men by rocking them to sleep, nattering them into a good opinion of their own safety, then robbing them of their strength and honor, leading them captive at his will. (God often leaves men to do foolish things to punish them for indulging in the lusts of uncleanness.)
Key Word: Strength, Jdg 16:6, (departed, Jdg 16:20).
Strong Verses: Jdg 16:20, 28.
Striking Facts: Samson's strength was not in his hair but in his Nazarite consecration, of which his long hair was but a badge. By losing the badge, he forfeited the strength. What was real in Samson was his great
faith in times of awful apostasy and God honored this faith. Heb. 11:32.
Contents: Micah's worship in self will.
Characters: Micah, his mother, a Levite.
Conclusion: The love of money makes much mischief; destroys the duty and comfort of every relation and frequently leads to the setting up of a false worship.
Key Word: Graven image, Jdg 17:3.
Strong Verses: Jdg 17:6.
Striking Facts: Jdg 17:13. Apostates who please themselves with their own delusions infer, if providence brings anything to their hands that helps them in their way, that God is pleased with them. With all false worship there is usually an exaltation of false priesthood, usurping the place of Christ.
Contents: The Danite invasion. Civil and religious confusion.
Characters: Micah, Jonathan, priests.
Conclusion: Many seek to justify themselves in their idolatrous impiety by the prosperity that seemingly attends them, not knowing that many are brought to destruction by their false security and that departing from the revealed will of God concerning worship is a dangerous move for a people to make.
Key Word: Seeking inheritance, Jdg 18:1.
Strong Verses: Jdg 18:9, 10.
Striking Facts: Jdg 18:24. An excellent definition of idolatry. Anything put in place of God, which man is concerned about as if life and comfort, hope and happiness were bound up in it, is an idol.
Contents: The Levite and his concubine. Wickedness of Gibeonites.
Characters: Levite, concubine, her father.
Conclusion: Because men like not to retain God in their knowledge, God gives them up to vile affection through which they dishonor themselves and turn His glory into shame. Rom. 1:24, 28.
Key Word: Abused, Jdg 19:25.
Strong Verses: Jdg 19:30.
Striking Facts: In the miserable end of this woman, we see the hand of God punishing her for her uncleanness. Jdg 19:2.
Contents: Civil war in which the Benjamites are punished.
Characters: God, a Levite, Phinehas.
Conclusion: We cannot expect the presence of God with us in our enterprises unless we seek it by humbling ourselves before Him. (Jdg 20:26). He is not under obligation to prosper us. Men are often so confident that God owes them His favor because they think their cause a good one, that they think it needless to humble themselves before God in penitence.
KeyWord: Vengeance, Jdg 20:9, 28.
Strong Verses: Jdg 20:11, 18, 26.
Contents: Mourning for the lost tribe of Benjamin.
Characters : God .
Conclusion: There may be overdoing in well doing. Great care must be taken in the government of our zeal, for even necessary justice must be rendered with compassion. Many a war is ill-ended which was well begun. (Jdg 21:2, 6, 13).
Key Word: Depleted tribe, Jdg 21:3, 6.
Strong Verses: Jdg 21:2, 13.
Striking Facts: Jdg 21:25. Men should learn to be thankful for magistrates, both
supreme and subordinate for they are ministers for God unto us for good.
Any government is better than no government or anarchy.
Summarized Bible
complete summary of the Old Testament
Keith L. Brooks
Published 1919