Chapter overview of Philippians
Chapter Summary of Philippians
Key Thought: Gain through Christ
Number of Chapters: 4
Key Verse: Phil 3:7, 14, 4:4
Christ seen as: Ascended Lord
Writer of the Book: Paul
Date: About A. D. 64
Conclusion of the Book: Christ is the believer's life, pattern, object, and strength.
Contents: Triumph of the believer over suffering and persecution.
Characters: Christ, Holy Spirit, God, Paul, Timothy, Epaphroditus.
Conclusion: Those who desire that Christ may be magnified in their bodies have a holy indifference whether it be by life or death and may rejoice in all their tribulations as Christ's witnesses, knowing that the Word
of God cannot be imprisoned and that though things do not turn to their comfort in this world, by God's grace, they will be made to turn to the salvation of others.
Key Word: Joyful tribulation, Phil 1:20.
Strong Verses: Phil 1:6,21,23.
Striking Facts: Phil 1:6. It is Christ Who begins the good work in us; it is Christ Who carries it on in us Phil 2:12-13; it is Christ Who will ultimately complete that work by transforming us into His own likeness Phil 3:21.
Contents: Christ, the believer's pattern, rejoicing in lowly service. The outworking of in-worked salvation. The apostolic example.
Characters: Christ, Holy Spirit, God, Paul, Timothy, Epaphroditus.
Conclusion: The believer should be lowly minded and like-minded, in conformity to the example of the Lord Jesus, the great pattern of humility and love in service to man. He humbled Himself in suffering and death
for us, not only to satisfy God's justice, but to set us an example that we might follow His steps bearing a resemblance to His life, since we have profited by His death.
Key Word: Humble service, Phil 2:5-9.
Strong Verses: Phil 2:3,5,7,8,9,13,15.
Striking Facts: Phil 2:7-8. Jesus was absolutely divine, yet absolutely human. In coming into the world He did not empty Himself of His divine nature or attributes, but only of the outward and visible manifestation of the
Godhead the insignia of majesty, He had to empty Himself of His glory or He would have paralyzed the men He came to save. Although equal with God, He took upon Himself the form of a servant for our sakes, that
He might meet, as God manifest in the flesh, the death of the cross.
Contents: Christ, the object of the believer's faith, desire and expectation.
Characters: God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Paul.
Conclusion: Let those reckon themselves unspeakable losers, who by adhering to the things of the world and carnal pride, have no interest in the Lord Jesus. He is the object of the believer's faith for a righteousness that is untarnishable, the object of the believer's desire for a fellowship that is incomparable and the object of the believer's expectation for a resurrection body that is immortal.
Key Word: Christ, our sufficiency, Phil 3:7,10,20.
Strong Verses: Phil 3:3,7,8,9,10,13,14,20,21.
Striking Facts: Phil 3:10. Christ's resurrection is the evidence of our justification (Rom. 4:24-25); the assurance of our resurrection (1 Cor. 15:14-18); the source of our spiritual power for He was thus constituted the giver of the Holy Spirit (John 7:39; 20:22). Knowing Him, therefore, involves not only justification through His death but sanctification through His life, feeling the transforming efficacy and virtue of His life, through the Holy Spirit.
Contents: Christ the believer's strength and source of joy and peace. Giver of victory over anxiety.
Characters: God, Christ, Paul, Euodias, Syntyche, Clement.
Conclusion: The believer's hope and prospect through our Lord Jesus Christ, should engage him to be steady, even and constant in his Christian course, rejoicing always in Him through Whom he has the peace of God, the very presence of the God of peace, and promises that should remove all anxious care. He will give strength for all things, whether to do or bear. He will supply every need of the trusting soul.
Key Word: Joy, Phil 4:4.
Strong Verses: Phil 4:4, 6, 7, 8, 13, 19.
Striking Facts: Seven things the believer is here said to have through Jesus
Christ: 1. Privilege of prayer to help us Phil 4:6. 2. Peace to keep us
Phil 4:7. 3. Presence to accompany us Phil 4:9. 4. Pattern before us Phil 4:8.
5. Policy to calm us v. 11. 6. Power to strengthen us v. 13. 7.
Promise to provide for us Phil 4:19.
Summarized Bible
complete summary of the New Testament Keith L. Brooks
Published 1919
Key Thought: Gain through Christ
Number of Chapters: 4
Key Verse: Phil 3:7, 14, 4:4
Christ seen as: Ascended Lord
Writer of the Book: Paul
Date: About A. D. 64
Conclusion of the Book: Christ is the believer's life, pattern, object, and strength.
Contents: Triumph of the believer over suffering and persecution.
Characters: Christ, Holy Spirit, God, Paul, Timothy, Epaphroditus.
Conclusion: Those who desire that Christ may be magnified in their bodies have a holy indifference whether it be by life or death and may rejoice in all their tribulations as Christ's witnesses, knowing that the Word
of God cannot be imprisoned and that though things do not turn to their comfort in this world, by God's grace, they will be made to turn to the salvation of others.
Key Word: Joyful tribulation, Phil 1:20.
Strong Verses: Phil 1:6,21,23.
Striking Facts: Phil 1:6. It is Christ Who begins the good work in us; it is Christ Who carries it on in us Phil 2:12-13; it is Christ Who will ultimately complete that work by transforming us into His own likeness Phil 3:21.
Contents: Christ, the believer's pattern, rejoicing in lowly service. The outworking of in-worked salvation. The apostolic example.
Characters: Christ, Holy Spirit, God, Paul, Timothy, Epaphroditus.
Conclusion: The believer should be lowly minded and like-minded, in conformity to the example of the Lord Jesus, the great pattern of humility and love in service to man. He humbled Himself in suffering and death
for us, not only to satisfy God's justice, but to set us an example that we might follow His steps bearing a resemblance to His life, since we have profited by His death.
Key Word: Humble service, Phil 2:5-9.
Strong Verses: Phil 2:3,5,7,8,9,13,15.
Striking Facts: Phil 2:7-8. Jesus was absolutely divine, yet absolutely human. In coming into the world He did not empty Himself of His divine nature or attributes, but only of the outward and visible manifestation of the
Godhead the insignia of majesty, He had to empty Himself of His glory or He would have paralyzed the men He came to save. Although equal with God, He took upon Himself the form of a servant for our sakes, that
He might meet, as God manifest in the flesh, the death of the cross.
Contents: Christ, the object of the believer's faith, desire and expectation.
Characters: God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Paul.
Conclusion: Let those reckon themselves unspeakable losers, who by adhering to the things of the world and carnal pride, have no interest in the Lord Jesus. He is the object of the believer's faith for a righteousness that is untarnishable, the object of the believer's desire for a fellowship that is incomparable and the object of the believer's expectation for a resurrection body that is immortal.
Key Word: Christ, our sufficiency, Phil 3:7,10,20.
Strong Verses: Phil 3:3,7,8,9,10,13,14,20,21.
Striking Facts: Phil 3:10. Christ's resurrection is the evidence of our justification (Rom. 4:24-25); the assurance of our resurrection (1 Cor. 15:14-18); the source of our spiritual power for He was thus constituted the giver of the Holy Spirit (John 7:39; 20:22). Knowing Him, therefore, involves not only justification through His death but sanctification through His life, feeling the transforming efficacy and virtue of His life, through the Holy Spirit.
Contents: Christ the believer's strength and source of joy and peace. Giver of victory over anxiety.
Characters: God, Christ, Paul, Euodias, Syntyche, Clement.
Conclusion: The believer's hope and prospect through our Lord Jesus Christ, should engage him to be steady, even and constant in his Christian course, rejoicing always in Him through Whom he has the peace of God, the very presence of the God of peace, and promises that should remove all anxious care. He will give strength for all things, whether to do or bear. He will supply every need of the trusting soul.
Key Word: Joy, Phil 4:4.
Strong Verses: Phil 4:4, 6, 7, 8, 13, 19.
Striking Facts: Seven things the believer is here said to have through Jesus
Christ: 1. Privilege of prayer to help us Phil 4:6. 2. Peace to keep us
Phil 4:7. 3. Presence to accompany us Phil 4:9. 4. Pattern before us Phil 4:8.
5. Policy to calm us v. 11. 6. Power to strengthen us v. 13. 7.
Promise to provide for us Phil 4:19.
Summarized Bible
complete summary of the New Testament Keith L. Brooks
Published 1919