Restoring the Body of Christ
It’s no secret that the church has some problems. How do we fix a house that’s divided? How do we restore a church with so many doctrinal and denominational differences? I have become an expert at starting over. I’ve failed and started over so many times that I’ve started to look forward to the next chapter. As it turns out, they weren’t failures but rather stepping stones in my walk with Christ. Each time I learned something new about the subject and myself. The only thing you can ever truly change is yourself, anyway. Jesus is our bar as individuals and as a church. Talk about setting the bar high. Our focus needs to be on our walk with Christ. You can’t control the circumstances or the other people involved, but you can control yourself. Like a sport or a business, getting back to the basics is the best way to perfect your skills. It’s time for the church to get back to the basics. God tells the Church of Ephesus in Re 2:5, “Remember, therefore, from where you have fallen; repent and do the first works. “Remember the first time you had an encounter with God? Remember when you had a passion for the Word, and nothing was more important? It didn’t matter who was preaching, what time of day it was, what day of the week it was, or where it was. If God was in the middle, you wanted to be a part of it.
What would happen if the church today decided to throw out its service schedule, forget about money for a little while, lay down its prideful doctrine, and commit to seeking God and His will? Moses spent 40 days in the presence of God before the Law was given (Ex 34:28). Jesus spent 40 days fasting in the wilderness before He started His ministry and gave grace to us in the form of a cross (Mt 4:2). Paul spent three years receiving the Word from Jesus before delivering the Message to the Gentiles (Gal 1:18). Solomon sought the Lord with the most extensive offering in history and asked for wisdom to manage the kingdom (1Ki 3:4). He got it and then some. Throughout scripture, men and women have sought God before fulfilling the call. It’s time for something great but it will not come without sacrifice. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting something different. Maybe we, as a church, need to take a break from our denominational differences and seek God like never before as one body, the Body of Christ. His return is soon; it’s time for us to get ready.
Be blessed and be BOLD,
Pastor Charlie
It’s no secret that the church has some problems. How do we fix a house that’s divided? How do we restore a church with so many doctrinal and denominational differences? I have become an expert at starting over. I’ve failed and started over so many times that I’ve started to look forward to the next chapter. As it turns out, they weren’t failures but rather stepping stones in my walk with Christ. Each time I learned something new about the subject and myself. The only thing you can ever truly change is yourself, anyway. Jesus is our bar as individuals and as a church. Talk about setting the bar high. Our focus needs to be on our walk with Christ. You can’t control the circumstances or the other people involved, but you can control yourself. Like a sport or a business, getting back to the basics is the best way to perfect your skills. It’s time for the church to get back to the basics. God tells the Church of Ephesus in Re 2:5, “Remember, therefore, from where you have fallen; repent and do the first works. “Remember the first time you had an encounter with God? Remember when you had a passion for the Word, and nothing was more important? It didn’t matter who was preaching, what time of day it was, what day of the week it was, or where it was. If God was in the middle, you wanted to be a part of it.
What would happen if the church today decided to throw out its service schedule, forget about money for a little while, lay down its prideful doctrine, and commit to seeking God and His will? Moses spent 40 days in the presence of God before the Law was given (Ex 34:28). Jesus spent 40 days fasting in the wilderness before He started His ministry and gave grace to us in the form of a cross (Mt 4:2). Paul spent three years receiving the Word from Jesus before delivering the Message to the Gentiles (Gal 1:18). Solomon sought the Lord with the most extensive offering in history and asked for wisdom to manage the kingdom (1Ki 3:4). He got it and then some. Throughout scripture, men and women have sought God before fulfilling the call. It’s time for something great but it will not come without sacrifice. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting something different. Maybe we, as a church, need to take a break from our denominational differences and seek God like never before as one body, the Body of Christ. His return is soon; it’s time for us to get ready.
Be blessed and be BOLD,
Pastor Charlie
Posted in Devotional
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